by Communications | Feb 4, 2020 | Blog, Student Posts
Each year, the Grade 8 students take on a community service project, aiming to positively influence a range of communities around them. Some students choose to focus on the community we have right here at IPS, while others look to the Vancouver and Bowen Island...
by Communications | Dec 16, 2019 | Blog, Student Posts
At the student panel on December 11th to kick off the annual Art & Design Expo, Grade 8 student, Wylie shared her humourous reflections and experiences of IPS. My brother went to IPS before me and even with that, when I visited in Grade five, I thought, “Wow....
by Communications | Nov 19, 2019 | Blog, Teacher Posts
This year on National Philanthropy Day, Island Pacific School was nominated for a Giving Hearts Award for Outstanding Youth Philanthropist. The Association of Fundraising Professionals recognize individuals and groups that make a difference in their communities. We...
by Communications | Nov 13, 2019 | Blog, Student Posts
On Wednesday, November 6th the IPS Grade 8 students held a Remembrance Day Assembly for the school community to help the school understand the importance of Remembrance Day. With a variety of topics ranging from ‘Women in War’ to the symbolic meaning behind white and...
by Communications | May 3, 2019 | Blog, Head's Blog
The IPS Equip and Inspire Conference has now come and gone and I am so pleased with the way it all came together as a vehicle to not only meet our BC Education Career Education Curriculum core competencies and big ideas, but also provide meaningful connections between...