by Communications | Nov 21, 2019 | Blog
We are looking forward to Nov 25th and the “Education Reimagined” presentation in West Vancouver with IPS founder, Dr. Ted Spear, Louise Clark (parenting partner) and Judy Duncan, the Principal of Rockridge Secondary School. This is a great opportunity for...
by Communications | Oct 11, 2019 | Student Posts
Last Wednesday the Grade 6/7 class went to Lynn Canyon Ecology Centre. We were introduced to our guides who would give us a tour throughout the forest. We were split into two groups to learn all about the forest. My group went across the suspension bridge to a trail...
by Communications | May 10, 2019 | Blog
Meet Jerry. He’s that yellow alpaca in the middle. Meet the other Jerry, the pink alpaca on the end. The green alpaca is also named Jerry. They are all Jerry. Why? To be honest, I’m not entirely sure, but the World Scholar’s Cup, the organization who distributes the...
by Communications | May 3, 2019 | Blog, Head's Blog
The IPS Equip and Inspire Conference has now come and gone and I am so pleased with the way it all came together as a vehicle to not only meet our BC Education Career Education Curriculum core competencies and big ideas, but also provide meaningful connections between...
by Communications | May 1, 2019 | Blog
Prime Minister’s Award for Teaching Excellence Island Pacific School is thrilled to announce that Jennifer Henrichsen, IPS assistant head and teacher, has recently won The Prime Minister’s Award for Teaching Excellence. Since 1993, this award has...