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Sheila Gelinas – Superhero

We interviewed Sheila to get her take on Middle School, here’s what she said:

Why do you enjoy teaching Middle School Students?

They are at the beginning of truly understanding the power of discovering their true potential as individuals and develop the ability to question things. The result is an amazing journey of self discovery and empowerment.

Why would you recommend Island Pacific School to families?

Because every single student’s contribution is noted and every student’s challenge is the school community’s challenge. IPS offers that unique opportunity to uplift every student because of the uniqueness of the class sizes.

Tell us about the value of school excursions in your opinion

I have always believed that the best education is outside of the classroom. Some of the most phenomenal humans in the world make changes that affect masses due to their travel and observing the world around them. The excursions provide students the opportunity to observe and learn through doing, experiencing those experiences, feeling and discovering unique things that would not be learned the same way in a classroom.

Are there any specific experiences or memories that have stood out for you?

I have watched students grow through the encouraging and nurturing community of the school and become confident members of the school community. It’s great to see their transformation and realise I am part of that community.

“Things Teachers Say” (a spinoff of our campaign “Things Kids Say”) – Give us yours!

You are more capable than you think,  we don’t always get it right the first time. That’s why it’s called learning.

Tell us something about yourself that most people might not know. Ideas: where did you grow up? Favourite author? Who influences your work ethic? Hobbies?

My work ethic has always been heavily influenced by a very hard working single grandmother who raised four children as a subsistence farmer and taught herself how to read. I remember her getting up at the crack of dawn to start the day and she was always smartly dressed. She never tired, and walked so far (40km) several times a week to the markets to sell her goods.