I’m now a Lecturer of Political Theory in the Department of Political Economy at King’s College London, where I live with my partner Renee and our two kids Iris and Jacques. I teach and write about democracy in the contemporary world. Recently, (well, in 2019) I was a Berlin Prize Fellow and Daimler Fellow at the American Academy in Berlin. And then the grant I just got is an ERC Starting Grant, from the European Research Council, the largest scientific funding body in the world.
Read about Steven American Academy in Berlin’s website and the King’s College London press release about the grant
If you’re curious, here’s the publisher’s website for my book — I think of it as an extended version of my masterworks thesis…it overlaps a lot in time period and geography!
Congratulations to Steven Klein
February 2022
Steven is a Lecturer of Political Theory in the Department of Political Economy at King’s College London, where he lives with his partner Renee and their two kids Iris and Jacques. He teaches and writes about democracy in the contemporary world. In 2019, he was a Berlin Prize Fellow and Daimler Fellow at the American Academy in Berlin. He recently received an ERC Starting Grant, from the European Research Council, the largest scientific funding body in the world.
Read more from the American Academy: https://www.americanacademy.de/person/steven-klein/ and about the grant: https://www.kcl.ac.uk/news/grant-funding-awarded-to-major-new-research-project