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Feel Good Friday: Jen Zdril

Jen Zdril provides Learning Strategies Program Support as well as being our indefatigable Mainstage Director!

After years of teaching drama, art, media, and English in Montreal, Halifax and the UK, Jen feels fortunate to have landed here on Bowen Island. Passionate about all things to do with the arts, especially theatre and literature, Jen has written two plays for middle school students and ghostwritten two novels.

Tell us about something you’re passionate about right now.
Up until last month, I was quite passionate about learning editing techniques–I found cobbling together our random film festival footage into a watchable movie really satisfying! Now I’m back to my usual passions of reading, writing, and finding fun stuff for my kid and I to do together.

What’s the most enjoyable part of your work?
Collaborating with the students on Mainstage productions is definitely the most fun part for me. When someone makes a fantastic suggestion and eyes light up and everyone says, “YES!” It’s magic.

What is one good thing that has come out of COVID for you?
Reconnecting to friends far away. Since I can’t spend as much time with people in person, I’ve been socializing more via phone calls and online board game nights with friends across Canada, and it’s been great catching up with them.

Do you have a favourite pet story?
I have a cockatiel named Phoenix (Fifi for short). She’s a funny, grumpy old lady bird. Anytime I talk on the phone or have a Zoom meeting she screams at me, so I spent a lot of the time last year when we were remote with her sitting on my shoulder.

How do you feel about Mondays at Island Pacific School?
Well, I love weekends, so there might be some foot-dragging and sighing on my part before leaving my house. However, after getting to work, I start enjoying myself pretty quickly. I do love it here!