News and Events

Island Pacific School’s Virtual Open House

Wednesday, April 21st
Time: 7-8 pm

RSVP below to receive your Zoom link

New families joining Island Pacific School in September 2021 and interested families who want to learn more about IPS are invited to join IPS for some virtual fun! Since we cannot host you in person, we’ve been working on some fun online activities with some of the IPS students.

Parents will be able to join Head of School Scott Scott Herrington and Assistant Head, Jennifer Henrichsen and the Grade Reps for some introductions and questions and answers. Make a list of your burning questions and let us know below what they are in your RSVP.

Students will be able to break off into smaller groups with an IPS teacher and some students to introduce themselves to each other and engage in some fun games and ask questions.

This virtual format is being crafted in a way to forge new connections and get to know your new school community a bit better.

Questions? 604.947.9311 or


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