News and Events

IPS students travel to Barcelona to compete in World Scholar’s Cup

By Charmaine Heffelfinger
Published in the Bowen Island Undercurrent, Sep 07, 2018

This summer, six students from Island Pacific School travelled to Barcelona to compete in the World Scholar’s Cup.

A fun and positive academic competition, Jann Kong, Franny Heffelfinger, Trevor Hagglund, Ursula Frid, Ailsa Ross and Jake DeLouise participated in the regional WSC round in April 2018. Their two teams did so well that they qualified to participate in a global round this summer. Back in July six talented youngsters tried their academic chops against 1,500 other students from around the world.

In late July, all six students, some parents and their teacher Bev Rapley travelled to Barcelona to represent IPS. They joined 1,500 other junior students from 30 countries.

This year’s WSC theme was “An Entangled World” and the students can tell you that it dealt with serious global issues, without taking itself too seriously.

The student challenges included team debates, a lengthy multiple choice test, collaborative writing and the scholar’s bowl, in which teams worked together to solve questions using their analytical skills and multimedia challenges.

Our IPS students brought home medals, stuffy alpacas (the competition’s mascot) and memories of Barcelona and their fellow scholars.